This sounds almost professional- as if its already IN a video game! All I have to say is keep going with it!!
This sounds almost professional- as if its already IN a video game! All I have to say is keep going with it!!
Wow thanks! I will definitely finish this song!
Pretty good...
For as long as the song is, I think that the build up before the bass beat comes in is too long. Before the beat comes in, it doesn't really feel like a dance song- maybe classical dance. If the song was longer, it would be better in my opinion, but way to make a good sounding song none the less!
Haha thanks for reviewing my song xD
I wouldn't like living in a place where it was acceptable for thieves to run around on people's rooftops...
But I like the song!
My girlfriend dragged me to see Twilight- it was...ok.
But I don't see any real resemblance in your song, so good job!!
I wouldn't change a thing!
I could definitely see this in an old SNES game! It's great!!!
Keep it up!!
Thank you, but... umm... I think you mean NES game. SNES music is of a much higher caliber than this.
It took me a bit...
I couldn't figure out what the beat was for like 10 seconds, but after I realized where it was, I found it fascinating! It's actually kind of trippy (which I like a lot)
Keep it up!
I definitely like this song. It's quite original from a lot of what is on Newgrounds. My only suggestion is to try to add a little more variation to the bass line- just to freshen it up a bit from time to time. Otherwise, it's definitely a good song!!
Thank you - i love people reviewing!!!
Glad you like it :D:D:D
and it took me more time actually fixing it than working on it...
thanks again :D
You're just like my friend...
Who makes really good music but then gets bored of it for some reason. Yours is great, I just wished it was longer! :D
Lol, thanks a lot!
Great song!
I didn't hear your previous mix, but I think that this one is fantastic!
It's pretty much the same exact mix, just mastered a little better.
Thanks for the review! =D
It was...ok. I think that your idea for a song is good, but it definitely needs some working on to get to a final cut.
-All your audio is coming out of one side of the speakers. Check your settings on your Midi box or in Audacity to make sure you are equalized. If nothing else, double the track, have one be faded left and one faded right.
-Try to get some drums in your song. I think Audacity has a drum machine, I'm not sure. If not, get FL studio.
-Your guitar is a little fuzzy. Try to get it a little cleaner by playing with filters in Audacity.
-If your entry is supposed to be a loop, it doesn't do a very good job of looping seamlessly. Try adding another picky part at the end if you truly want it to loop well.
-It's too short!! I think once everything is said and done, this could be a really good song if you make it longer!
Good luck! I hope that I helped a bit!!
Thank you for your advice. I noticiced that it was all coming out of one side but i think thats down to my input jack being damaged slightly. I think that it can be remedied in post production though. Sadly my version of audacity has no drum machine but ParlorMonkey has offered to record some drums for me.
Joined on 5/22/08